All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
II Timothy 3:16

Adult Sunday School Group
Clay Neighbors has been faithful to teach our main Sunday School group, which meets in the auditorium from 9:45am to 10:45am every Sunday. The Sunday School Group is open for all youth and adults. The class is studying through the books of the Bible. Bro. Clay is a professor of Psychology at the University of Houston. He uses informative and educational pictures via PowerPoint every morning to show the truths in God's Word.

Growing Families Sunday School Group
Mike and Cory Guisler lead our Growing Families Sunday School. They have faithfully served our growing families for the past 10+ years. With 4 children of their own, they have an understanding of how important it is that families rely on God's Word. Their Sunday School class studies how God works in the family and through the family. All families are welcome, whether you have a new born or your youngest is in collage, God will still work in your family.

Ladies Sunday School Group
Dani Boyd has been faithful to lead our Ladies Sunday School for the past 8 years. All ladies are welcome, no matter the age. The primary study is on how women are greatly used by God throughout the Bible. God used a virgin woman to bring us salvation and He is still not finished using women today.

Young Adults Sunday School Group
Adam and Ashley Helms lead our Young Adults Sunday School. In this class, young adults are challenged by God's Word to do God's will and live for Him. Young people are just as vital to God's plan as older saints. You do not have to wait until you are a certain age to start living for Jesus and receiving God's blessings on your life. Lets start today! We would love to meet you and hope you join us!

Sunday School Director
Randy Reynolds serves as our Sunday School Director.
Sunday School
9:45 AM
We start our Sunday Morning Service with Sunday School. We all assemble together in the main auditorium for opening announcements then break away to the Sunday School class. We welcome you to join us!