Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost
-Matthew 28:19
At Calvary, we believe God has called all to be part of His mission. All our parts may look different. Some are called to give as others are called to go, but we all have been called to be a witness.
"For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek (Romans 1:16)"
"For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek (Romans 1:16)"

The Aaron Family: Josh, Natalie, Mercy, and Selah - Missionaries to South Africa
The Aaron Family are missionaries to South Africa sent out of Parkside Baptist Church in Mesquite, Texas. They were called to that field in October of 2017. More than 2 million children in South Africa have been orphaned as a result of their parents dying of AIDS. The three largest religions in South Africa are the African Independent Church, the Pentecostal movement, and Roman Catholicism. The goals of the Aaron family in South Africa are to plant churches, win souls, baptize converts, disciple converts, train national pastors, begin a bus ministry, begin other outreach ministries, begin a Christian school, and begin a Bible institute.
Email: aarons4africa@gmail.com
Website: www.aarons4africa.com
The Aaron Family are missionaries to South Africa sent out of Parkside Baptist Church in Mesquite, Texas. They were called to that field in October of 2017. More than 2 million children in South Africa have been orphaned as a result of their parents dying of AIDS. The three largest religions in South Africa are the African Independent Church, the Pentecostal movement, and Roman Catholicism. The goals of the Aaron family in South Africa are to plant churches, win souls, baptize converts, disciple converts, train national pastors, begin a bus ministry, begin other outreach ministries, begin a Christian school, and begin a Bible institute.
Email: aarons4africa@gmail.com
Website: www.aarons4africa.com

Brandon and Sheena Ewer - Missionaries to the Navajo Nation
Brandon and Sheena Ewer are missionaries with a ministry to the Navajo Nation sent out from New Life Baptist Church in Columbia, South Carolina. They have four children. Their ministry has begun a summer camp for children on the Navajo reservation. Their church, Victory Baptist Church, celebrated its first year on July 31, 2021. Thankfully, during the peak of COVID-19, attendance at the church did not drop since they elected to conduct drive-in services.
Brandon and Sheena Ewer are missionaries with a ministry to the Navajo Nation sent out from New Life Baptist Church in Columbia, South Carolina. They have four children. Their ministry has begun a summer camp for children on the Navajo reservation. Their church, Victory Baptist Church, celebrated its first year on July 31, 2021. Thankfully, during the peak of COVID-19, attendance at the church did not drop since they elected to conduct drive-in services.

The Rice Family - Missionaries to the Philippines
The Rice Family are missionaries to the Philippines sent out of Higher Plain Baptist Church in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma and supported through Baptist International Missions, Inc. Their ministry has a Bible institute in the Philippines.
Email: brphbimi@gmail.com
The Rice Family are missionaries to the Philippines sent out of Higher Plain Baptist Church in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma and supported through Baptist International Missions, Inc. Their ministry has a Bible institute in the Philippines.
Email: brphbimi@gmail.com

The Bruner Family - Missionaries to the Australian Outback
The Bruner Family are missionaries to the Australian Outback sent out of Higher Plain Baptist Church in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Australia has a population of approximately 24 million people. 85% of the people of Australia live near the coast leaving about 2 million people in the outback region.
The Bruner Family are missionaries to the Australian Outback sent out of Higher Plain Baptist Church in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Australia has a population of approximately 24 million people. 85% of the people of Australia live near the coast leaving about 2 million people in the outback region.

Casmir Family - Haiti

Cliff and Tiffany Booth - Missionaries to Chile
Cliff and Tiffany Booth are missionaries to Santiago, Chile sent out from Pleasantview Baptist Church in Arlington, Texas. They have two children. Most of the communities in Santiago had very strict quarantine mandates in 2020 and 2021. However, their church in Santiago held services online and Bible studies in homes. 7 people have made professions of faith due to the faithfulness of the Booths in their ministry during quarantine. Their church has even begun supporting two missionaries of their own planting churches in northern Chile as well as Ecuador.
Cliff and Tiffany Booth are missionaries to Santiago, Chile sent out from Pleasantview Baptist Church in Arlington, Texas. They have two children. Most of the communities in Santiago had very strict quarantine mandates in 2020 and 2021. However, their church in Santiago held services online and Bible studies in homes. 7 people have made professions of faith due to the faithfulness of the Booths in their ministry during quarantine. Their church has even begun supporting two missionaries of their own planting churches in northern Chile as well as Ecuador.

Dave and Cathy Cook - Missionaries to Canada
Dave and Cathy Cook are missionaries that have a ministry planting churches in Manitoba, Canada. They are sent out of Parkwood Baptist Church in Houston, Texas. They are also active in the ministry of the Canadian Baptist Bible College.
Dave and Cathy Cook are missionaries that have a ministry planting churches in Manitoba, Canada. They are sent out of Parkwood Baptist Church in Houston, Texas. They are also active in the ministry of the Canadian Baptist Bible College.

Dan and Beth DeOme - Missionaries to the Phillippines
Dan and Beth DeOme are missionaries to the Philippines sent out of Higher Plain Baptist Church in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. They have four children and eleven grandchildren. They are involved in the ministry of a Bible college in the Philippines.
Email: danbethdeome@juno.com
Dan and Beth DeOme are missionaries to the Philippines sent out of Higher Plain Baptist Church in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. They have four children and eleven grandchildren. They are involved in the ministry of a Bible college in the Philippines.
Email: danbethdeome@juno.com

The Dunlap Family: Mark, Esther, Jonathan, Priscilla, Andrew, and Abigail - Missionaries to Mozambique
The Dunlap Family are missionaries to Mozambique sent out of Mount Hope Baptist Church in Harrison, Ohio. The central and southern regions of Mozambique are experiencing a drought unlike any other in the past 30 years. The currency of Mozambique has been weakened due to mismanagement of their national debt. These conditions make it difficult to witness since the people are entering into a very desperate time.
Email: bbmi@juno.com
The Dunlap Family are missionaries to Mozambique sent out of Mount Hope Baptist Church in Harrison, Ohio. The central and southern regions of Mozambique are experiencing a drought unlike any other in the past 30 years. The currency of Mozambique has been weakened due to mismanagement of their national debt. These conditions make it difficult to witness since the people are entering into a very desperate time.
Email: bbmi@juno.com

Kenneth Ellzey - Missionary to Bolivia
Kenneth Ellzey is a missionary to Bolivia sent out of Colonial Baptist Church in Cary, North Carolina. Mount Carmel Baptist Church, the church that he works with in Bolivia, was established in 2018.
Kenneth Ellzey is a missionary to Bolivia sent out of Colonial Baptist Church in Cary, North Carolina. Mount Carmel Baptist Church, the church that he works with in Bolivia, was established in 2018.

The Gutierrez Family: Kaleb, Erica, Elijah, Audrey, Anna, and Amelia - Missionaries to Puerto Rico
The Gutierrez Family are missionaries to Puerto Rico sent out of Gospel Light Baptist Church in Rogers, Arizona.
Email: info@catchthevisionmin.org
The Gutierrez Family are missionaries to Puerto Rico sent out of Gospel Light Baptist Church in Rogers, Arizona.
Email: info@catchthevisionmin.org

Lohen and Becky Gonzales - Missionaries to Chile
Lohen and Becky Gonzales are missionaries to Chile sent out of Bayou Baptist Church in Alvin, Texas. They work with their son Ricky at a Christian school there.
Email: lgonazalez@bayoubaptist.com
Lohen and Becky Gonzales are missionaries to Chile sent out of Bayou Baptist Church in Alvin, Texas. They work with their son Ricky at a Christian school there.
Email: lgonazalez@bayoubaptist.com

Jeremy and Heather Ingalls - Couriers For Christ
Jeremy and Heather Ingalls is a missionary who works with Couriers for Christ. Recently, he worked with three missionaries in Poland and Germany. They distributed gospel tracts in tram stations, bus stations, and train stations.
Jeremy and Heather Ingalls is a missionary who works with Couriers for Christ. Recently, he worked with three missionaries in Poland and Germany. They distributed gospel tracts in tram stations, bus stations, and train stations.

Kevin and Laura Murdoch - Global Evangelism
Kevin and Laura Murdoch travel around the world with a ministry that involves witnessing one on one to others as well as Brother Murdoch's nine week seminar that guides members of churches on how to better witness to those around them. They are sent out of Valley Bible Baptist Church in Espanola, New Mexico.
Website: www.psalm197.com
Kevin and Laura Murdoch travel around the world with a ministry that involves witnessing one on one to others as well as Brother Murdoch's nine week seminar that guides members of churches on how to better witness to those around them. They are sent out of Valley Bible Baptist Church in Espanola, New Mexico.
Website: www.psalm197.com
Type your new text here.

JB and Marie Tarwater - Missionaries to the Philippines
JB and Marie Tarwater are Missionaries with a ministry to the Philippines that provides education to children as well as caring for their well-being and witnessing to them.
Email: tarwater.missions@gmail.com
JB and Marie Tarwater are Missionaries with a ministry to the Philippines that provides education to children as well as caring for their well-being and witnessing to them.
Email: tarwater.missions@gmail.com
Type your new text here.

The Kowach Family: Nathan, Becky, Josh, Bethany, and Lizzy- Missionaries to South Korea
The Kowach Family are missionaries to Chuncheon, South Korea sent out of Madison Baptist Church in Madison, Wisconsin. They are ministering at Chuncheon Lighthouse Baptist Church. Josh and Bethany teach people English in Chuncheon.
The Kowach Family are missionaries to Chuncheon, South Korea sent out of Madison Baptist Church in Madison, Wisconsin. They are ministering at Chuncheon Lighthouse Baptist Church. Josh and Bethany teach people English in Chuncheon.

The Helzermans: Mark, Christi, Hadassah, Grace, Hope, Serenity, and Glory - Missionaries to Papua New Guinea
The Helzermans are missionaries to Papua New Guinea sent out of Old Paths Bible Baptist Church in Holley, New York. Every year in January, the church where they are working in Papua New Guinea has a Vacation Bible School.
Email: mhelzerman@gmail.com
The Helzermans are missionaries to Papua New Guinea sent out of Old Paths Bible Baptist Church in Holley, New York. Every year in January, the church where they are working in Papua New Guinea has a Vacation Bible School.
Email: mhelzerman@gmail.com

The Ricker Family: Cory, Melissa, Amanda, Elaina, and Olivia- Missionaries to the deaf in Peru
The Ricker Family are missionaries with a ministry to the deaf community in Peru sent out of Cross & Crown Baptist Church in Pensacola, Florida. They work to equip missionaries and national pastors to plant churches primarily for the deaf in Lima.
Email: c.ricker@efata.org
The Ricker Family are missionaries with a ministry to the deaf community in Peru sent out of Cross & Crown Baptist Church in Pensacola, Florida. They work to equip missionaries and national pastors to plant churches primarily for the deaf in Lima.
Email: c.ricker@efata.org

The Rackley Family: Scotty & Darlene Rackley are missionaries to South Africa and Madagascar.
The Rackley family is serving in an area that has the population size of 22 million. The have been serving in the field since 2009. Please pray for their ministry. They interact with people of all religion but the main religions consist of Muslim and Indigenous beliefs.
The Rackley family is serving in an area that has the population size of 22 million. The have been serving in the field since 2009. Please pray for their ministry. They interact with people of all religion but the main religions consist of Muslim and Indigenous beliefs.

The Showers Family: Jim, Kari, Matthew, Amelia, and Sophia- Missionaries to Paraguay
The Showers Family are missionaries to Paraguay sent out of Victory Baptist Church in Milton, Florida. They are ministering at Iglesia Bautista Biblica La Fortaleza in Asuncion. They have begun the process of planting a new church in the Asuncion area. Paraguay is roughly the size of California with a population of 6,700,000 people; nearly 90% of which are Roman Catholic.
Email: showersfamily2paraguay@gmail.com
Website: www.showersfamily2paraguay.com
The Showers Family are missionaries to Paraguay sent out of Victory Baptist Church in Milton, Florida. They are ministering at Iglesia Bautista Biblica La Fortaleza in Asuncion. They have begun the process of planting a new church in the Asuncion area. Paraguay is roughly the size of California with a population of 6,700,000 people; nearly 90% of which are Roman Catholic.
Email: showersfamily2paraguay@gmail.com
Website: www.showersfamily2paraguay.com

Shellie Smith - Missionary to Scotland
Shellie Smith is a missionary to Scotland. She is continuing to labor in the mission field there after losing her husband to brain cancer several years ago.
Shellie Smith is a missionary to Scotland. She is continuing to labor in the mission field there after losing her husband to brain cancer several years ago.

The Surovecek Family- Missionaries to Slovakia
Peter Surovecek and his family's primary ministry is in Liptov and Ruzomberok. They are sent out of Shady Grove Baptist Church in Bossier City, Louisiana. Peter's sons, Philip and Lukash, work with the youth as Peter helps with Preaching in the local Baptist church. Please pray for an open door to preach the Gospel as the majority of the people believe in Catholicism.
Field Address: C.D 170, 03205 Smrecany, Slovakia
Peter Surovecek and his family's primary ministry is in Liptov and Ruzomberok. They are sent out of Shady Grove Baptist Church in Bossier City, Louisiana. Peter's sons, Philip and Lukash, work with the youth as Peter helps with Preaching in the local Baptist church. Please pray for an open door to preach the Gospel as the majority of the people believe in Catholicism.
Field Address: C.D 170, 03205 Smrecany, Slovakia

Daniel Williams - Missionary to the Philippines
Daniel Williams is a missionary with a ministry to the Philippines. He has been serving as a member of Fundamental Baptist Missions International, Incorporated since March of 2020.
Daniel Williams is a missionary with a ministry to the Philippines. He has been serving as a member of Fundamental Baptist Missions International, Incorporated since March of 2020.

The Young Family: Adam, Angela, Alexander, Amelia, Alisa, and Austin - Missionaries to Russia
Adam and Angela Young are missionaries to Russia sent out of Lancaster Baptist Church in Lancaster, California. They have been in Russia, where they founded Ark Baptist Church, supported by Baptist International Missions, Incorporated for 10 years. They have four children. They recently went to a youth conference in Romania held by Tim Tyler. A notable prayer request would be for their housing situation. Due to recent developments, they will be able to apply for a new residency permit that will last them their lifetime rather than being limited to five years. If they are not approved for this permit, they will only have a residence until February, 2023.
Adam and Angela Young are missionaries to Russia sent out of Lancaster Baptist Church in Lancaster, California. They have been in Russia, where they founded Ark Baptist Church, supported by Baptist International Missions, Incorporated for 10 years. They have four children. They recently went to a youth conference in Romania held by Tim Tyler. A notable prayer request would be for their housing situation. Due to recent developments, they will be able to apply for a new residency permit that will last them their lifetime rather than being limited to five years. If they are not approved for this permit, they will only have a residence until February, 2023.

Tom Zonderman - Australia
Join the mission
We have been called to preach the Word to all!
There are three ways to join the missions in their work:
1) Pray daily for them and they work they do abroad
2) Support to their work through our mission's fund
3) Be a witness: We are to spread the Good News of Salvation to all those around us and disciple them to be followers of Jesus Christ
1) Pray daily for them and they work they do abroad
2) Support to their work through our mission's fund
3) Be a witness: We are to spread the Good News of Salvation to all those around us and disciple them to be followers of Jesus Christ